It may look like something out of your high school math book, but an audiogram is a great way to get a comprehensive look at your hearing abilities. Typically shown with one line for each ear, an audiogram plots a person’s hearing threshold based on frequency and decibel level.
There are different types of audiograms, some of which also measure speech reception threshold or the softest level of sound in which someone can understand speech. In this case, the space between the hearing and speech reception threshold is referred to as the speech discrimination score.
This clear overview of hearing screening results can help your Hearing Care Professional better diagnose your level of hearing loss and determine the best course of action.
An audiogram can be split into five categories. A hearing threshold plotted between 0 and 20 dB represents a normal range of hearing. The four categories below this threshold indicate some level of hearing loss. The lower the line, the higher the degree of impact on the person’s daily life may be.
An audiogram is a graph of the softest sounds your ears can hear at different frequencies or pitches. Here is an audiogram legend:
The horizontal axis represents frequency, showing low to high tones from left to right. Low-pitch sounds, these characteristics are not inherent to pitch and loudness and can vary greatly depending on the source of the sound.
The vertical axis shows loudness in decibels from top to bottom.
Your left ear is indicated by an X and your right ear by a circle. The lower the symbols are on the graph, the louder the sound needs to be for you to hear it.
In addition to your hearing screening results, your Hearing Care Professional will also consider your medical and hearing health history, your individual hearing challenges, and a physical examination of the ear.
Audiogram symbols are used to represent the different frequencies and levels of hearing loss on an audiogram. They can be combined to create a visual representation of one’s hearing abilities, with the placement of the symbols indicating the frequency and degree of hearing loss. Some common hearing test symbols include: