How we can help
Sony's cre-e10 over-the-counter self-fitting earbud hearing aids.  FDA-registred medical device for your safety.

OTC hearing aids: Are they right for you? 

Best suited for healthy adults with mild to moderate hearing loss, over-the-counter hearing aids are an alternative to traditional prescription options. Wondering if you’re the ideal candidate? A hearing evaluation with one of our Hearing Care Professionals is the perfect place to start.

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Over-the-counter hearing aids

What are OTC hearing aids?

Over-the-counter hearing aids have become a viable option for many living with a mild to moderate level of hearing loss. OTC hearing aids require no visit to a Hearing Care Professional and can be directly purchased and self-fit by you. While they generally cost less, OTC hearing aids are a one-size-fits-most option and are not custom fit to your specific ears.

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Where can I get OTC hearing aids?

Buy your hearing aids online

OTC hearing aids can be purchased online or in store without any prior hearing evaluation or screening. They’re available at major retail stores and some hearing care centers.

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Sony's cre-c10 and e10 over-the-counter self-fitting hearing aids.  FDA-registred medical device for your safety.
A little boost to your ears

As easy as buying reading glasses

Think of it like the non-prescription reading glasses you can buy at your local drug store.

If you have a mild hearing loss and are looking for a little amplification boost, OTC hearing aids can often be helpful. Just remember that they’re not customized specifically for your hearing loss.

Over-the-counter vs. prescription hearing aids

What's the difference?

When it comes to a hearing device that is specifically suited to your hearing loss level and lifestyle, nothing will beat prescription hearing aids. Together with a Hearing Care Professional, prescription hearing aids can be adapted, adjusted and maintained according to your individual needs. Over-the-counter hearing aids, on the other hand, are purchased and set up without the assistance of an expert. They are also limited in design and can’t address more severe cases of hearing loss.
Hearing aids are tiny and often invisible when wearing them
Finding your fit

All hearing aid types

From behind-the-ear and in-the-canal options to everything in between, when it comes to your hearing health, finding your perfect fit can make all the difference.
Explore all hearing aid types
Choosing OTC

Are OTC hearing aids suitable for me? 

The lower cost and quick purchase options of OTC hearing aids can make them quite appealing, especially for those who have been hesitant to invest in hearing aids in the past. And for some, OTC hearing aids can be a great quick fix for mild hearing issues.

If these characteristics describe you, OTC may be a fitting option:
  • Over the age of 18 
  • Mild to moderate hearing loss
  • No history of chronic ear infections
  • No underlying medical conditions
  • Semi-tech savvy to tech savvy
Get you hearing tested

Still not sure wheter OTC hearing aids are for you?

Nevertheless, a proper hearing evaluation with one of our Hearing Care Professionals will always be the best way to understand your specific hearing needs. It can also help to prevent more serious, underlying issues from going unnoticed and ensure your cognitive and mental well-being aren’t affected by untreated hearing loss.

Over-the-counter hearing aids: FAQ

Improving hearing health together

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Stress-free financing: know your options

You shouldn't have to worry about cost when it comes to your hearing health. If you're ready to find the right solution at an affordable price, HearUSA has you covered.
Widex Moment hearing aid technology for best sound

New technology benefits

Experience the newest hearing aid technology and enjoy clearer, more vibrant sound, because you deserve the best in hearing.
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Getting help for your hearing loss

Hearing loss not only affects how you hear, but how well your brain is able to function. From protecting your physical and mental well-being to improving your career outlooks, your hearing plays an essential role in it all. With HearUSA by your side, you’ll have all the tools you need to stop the effects of hearing loss and start hearing better today.

Talk to an expert in one of our hearing centers.

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